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Everything posted by yogeshwartyagi

  1. Good to see that you are quite careful in making investment in a new program, The little investment the little risk, but i doubt this invest of 10 cents will get any good returns - after one day it should be 10.5 cents but after round of if they give 11 cent it would be good amount and youcan keep it for few days to get good profit.
  2. First plan is what looks atractive and sustainable for short term, Second plan also being fixed for 3 days 21% profit can be swallowed but third plan 180% in a week is just too much and i think we should avoid this program being high risk, I suspect even that this program will sustain for a week.
  3. Firstly this program offers very high returns that will turn this scam very soon. Further looking at plans for same period - i can notice unreaosnable difference in roi 107% after 1 day $10 - $220 107.00 120% after 1 day $221 - $5,000 120.00 Second plan has just 3 times the roi of 1st plan which is unreasonable and make this program suspicious.
  4. I dont think site design has to do any thing with the trustworthiness of a program If its plans are unreal and offer high and unreal profit, Further it having hourly plans is more risky and can stay quite little time.
  5. Program design is very good and has good security including ddos and ssl. Though plans offer very high return which make this program risky, and there are no monitors in rate-us page. But payment proof on forums indicate this is still paying. Good stats Running days 9 Total accounts 478 Total deposited $ 11,132.97 Total withdraw $ 2,770.64
  6. Program has got simple short term plans The roi offered is reasonable and sustainable for longer term. Site look attractive and has adequate protection. I would like to watch this program's performance before entering in.
  7. Simple term plans 1-14 days and offers very high and unreasonable profit, which is unreasonable and cannot be sustained for longer. I would better avoid this program.
  8. This program has hourly plans - and which may this one risky. site deisgn is cannot be said bad, and monitor having paying status Returns being very high affects the sustainability and this is going to stay very short period in my opinion. Just avoid trying to make fortune in this program.
  9. You are right this program is gone already, Even after trying several times i could not open the site - so now sure this is not temporary problem. And yes the program shoudl be moved to closed programs now.
  10. Plans are offering nice profit but which looks sustainable for quite long term. Site design is attractive enough. Let us wait to see how nicely this program performs.
  11. This is going to be very very short term program, because it offers very high returns in short term of 1 day - In my view there is very high risk in this investment.
  12. Program has a quite attractive and professional site with ddos protection. ROI are quite attractive and looks sustainable for longer term. Monitor is added recently so have waiting status, though stats show it is getting good response from investors.
  13. 1.7 - 2.5% daily profit is quite reasonable and attractive and this what makes this program sustainable for longer term. Program accepts alertpay also this is good and will help to get additional investors. Program has a site which is quite attractive in look and with adequate protection. Minimum 10$ is a bit high for many of us to test a program.
  14. Monitor has paying status since 4 days. Program design is simple but attractive and has professional touch. Though quite simple plans but are both attractive as well as sustainable for quite long term. Minimum being only 1$ will help most of us to try this program.
  15. I am not admin - just found this program and though to share views Alan'Steam company invests and trades in shares of companies promising areas of biotechnology, advertising , internet, network solutions and electronics. We invest in high growth industry. We examine strong market and invest at him. Along with investing on the stock market, we own and operate a number of high-yield online portal dedicated to finance, communication and advertising. In addition to the above two spheres of our activities, we are involved in a variety of high-yield offline projects mainly in oil and gas industry, these days the quickest growing market in the world. Investment plans Daily profit Plan name Amount 2% Silver $1 - $1000 3% Gold $1000 - more All program duration is one year (365 days). We pay 7 days a week. We have compounding option for increase your profit. Your principal will be returned to your account after lock period 365 days. http://alansteam.com/index.php?ref=ykyk
  16. Design is attractive and has professional look. Though returns are a bit high but quite sustainable in short term, as this hyip is projected for short term and has short term plans. Maximum term of a plan is 15 days and i think program can realy stay until middle of decemeber.
  17. Bronze plan is devided into 6 sub plans depending on size of investment 1st plan has 4% return, and 6th plan has 30% return, there can not be any reasonable justification for this high difference. Further roi is very high and program does not appear to be sustainable - i see more risk here of being scam.
  18. I am convinced by the program design Though roi is a bit high and it looks difficult to sustain, but with good determination these plans can be sustained for short to medium term as they may get good response from investors, and minimum is affordable so more people can try this program.
  19. Really stupid plans epsecially the differnece in roi for the same term due to size of deposit is what make me suspicious about this proram. Plans are really with quite high and unreal profit which is not sustainable. For me this program has more risk compare to returns.
  20. Really stupid plans epsecially the differnece in roi for the same term due to size of deposit is what make me suspicious about this proram. Plans are really with quite high and unreal profit which is not sustainable. For me this program has more risk compare to returns.
  21. Program has got nice design and good thing is it also accepts alertpay. All the plans are term plans ranging from 5 to 25 days and returns though are quite attractive but not excessive and looks sustainable for medium term
  22. Neither the script is good nor the design. On top of that all their plans are with unreal and high profit which cannot be sustained for longer. Minimum of 10$ also looks high to start in this program for me.
  23. Site has nice design and good look. Returns are quite high and unreal in both the plansm I dont think it will be possible for this program to sustain for few weeks even. Minimum deposit of 1$ is affordable for every one, For me this is a risky program.
  24. Dear yogesh, You have received a payment to your account U7552528: Date: 2010-23-11 15:06:04 Batch: 49858741 From Account: U0578687 Amount: $0.20 Memo: Withdraw to yogeshwartyagi from Future Trails Thank you.
  25. I am not admin Finally, you can become both financial and time freedom. Fxwinning.com, the new dimention of investment program, where FOREX combind with MLM industry. Even you can't refer anyone to join our program, you can earn 5% - 20% monthly by doing nothing, just sitback and relax. But, if you're MLM lover, you'll earn much more with our multilevel referral commission, 5 levels deep and 2% each. Here's, the power of our 5 levels referral commission sample : http://www.fxwinning.com/?ref=ykyk Note: Performance of this program will tell in fact what this is really. But the script i dont think is original - looks copied as i have seen the same script in another hyip. Now plans are most sustainable for longer term.
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