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Everything posted by anjali

  1. This site is 22 days old now and still it has not monitored yet,and has no seperate rating page for this program.The offered is quite high, that is unreasonable and unsustainable.And the minimum required to deposit is $10.I dont think that this program is going to stay any longer in the hyip industry,or it may be a scam site,I guess as there was no particular payout ratings updated.
  2. This program has very good features to attract the investors.and has got PAYING status for now.This program has been running over for a month now and the minimum required is $1 which can be affordable for most of the investors even for the small investors,I guess.this site looks quite promising and has got quite nice design.Hope this site will stay for few more days.
  3. This program has already got PAYING status on most of the monitors.The minimum required is $1 which is affordable even for the small investors.The ROI offered is also sustainable, in my view,and is 44 days old now.Offered referral commission is up to 2%,I dont think such low affiliate commission is attractive to proote this site.
  4. This program has currently got PAYING status on most of the monitors,and the site has got very attractive design.The admin promised to pay instant payout,payout will be for 7 days a week is als one of its good features and no minimum for the withdraw.This program has been running for 9 days.offered referral commission up to 10%.and the ROI offered in its first 3 plans are sustainable,I think.
  5. This site has currently got PAYING status on most of the monitors,and has been running for 3 days now.The last payout details updated on 21st november.ofeered referral commission up to 20% is one of its good features,ROI offered is quite high,in my opinion and minimum required is $10 which is quite high for the small investors like me.
  6. This program has been running for 3 days now.It has got a long list of monitors in its rating page.the program has got PAYING status on most of the monitors.The minimum required is $10 which is unsustainable for the small investors.ROI offered in this program is quite high,in my view.
  7. This program has got PAYING status on most of the monitors.and has been running for 2 days.The ROI offered in this program is quite reasonable,I think.The minimum amount required to deposit is $5 which can be affordable for most of the investors including small investors.While coming to the program ,it has nice short term plansin its programs.
  8. This program has very attractive design,and has been running for 2 days.it has currently got NOT PAYING status on most of monitors.The ROI offered is also quite high in its program plans,ROI ofered is unreasonable,I think,but promised to give instant payment.Hope it will come back soon with PAYING status updated.
  9. I am also unable to open this site,Dont know whether due to technical problem or may be this site is no more,I guess.It seems to be a new one.I tried to get access but still is not available.I Hope that this site will be back soon,with some interesting features.
  10. no profit will be available today for investors due to Thanksgiving day, this is their last news on 23rd November 2011 !
  11. today is non trading day due to Thanksgiving day, no profit will be accrued in users accounts for today !
  12. no profit will be accrued in accounts, due to non trading days on 23rs & 24th due to ThanksGiving Day in US & Japan !
  13. The ROI offered is reasonable,I guess,But the minimum required is $50 which is unaffordable for the small investors.The referral commission up to 2% is also very low to attract the new investors.there is no instant payment but promised to pay within 12 hours.this program looks promising and has a quite attractive design.
  14. This program has got NOT PAYING status on most of the monitors now.I think,this program is just turned into SCAM now.After the changes which happened in this program,I was quite sure that this program will no longer stable.But the ROI offered in its latest plan was reasonable and was low.
  15. This program is a week old now.It has a long list of monitors and has got PAYING status on most of the monitors.The minimum required is $10,cant be affordable.The ROI offered is quite high in my view,And 18% is another good feature of this program.As i has got high ratings we can invest in this site,I think.
  16. The ROI offered here in this program is quite high,which is not reasonable,I think.In my view the program with such a huge ROI will never survive for a long period.This program has a very attractive design.this program is not monitored yet.offerening up to 10%.minimum required is $10 and that is unaffordable for the small investors.
  17. This site has got PAYING status on most of the monitors for now.And I am glad to know that this site has been running for 195 days for now and is online.But the ROI offered is not reasonable, I think.But still the program is running from a long period which is very strange.hopefully,this program will stay few more days.
  18. @archu7 Yup, you are right miss archu,I did a mistake here,ya this site is not listed in GoldPoll.I had checked in the wrong domain.Anyways while coming to the program,it has got PAYING status on most of the monitors for now.And this program has been running for 10 days now.Hope this program will stay for a long period.main deposit required is $10 that is unsustainable,offered up to 4% refferal commission.
  19. This program has very attractive design.referral commission up to 15% is another attractive feature in this program.I think there is no instant payment in this program but it is saying fast payments.And has got PAYING status on most of the monitors.ROI offered is different for different plan types,required amount to deposit is $10,that is unsustainable,I guess.
  20. This program has got PAYING status on few monitors,but still waiting status on few others.This program has quite attractive design.The ROI offered in this program is very high.and offering very attractive referral commission which up to 25% is another attractive feature of this program.Don't know how long it will stay.there is no instant payment,just saying fast payment.
  21. Still there is no seperate rating page for this program.It is accepting both LR and AP.the minimum amount required to deposit is $1 that is affordable and the ROI offered is non reasonable that is 25% in just five days is really unsustainable,And is still in WAITING status.Refferal commission is 5%.
  22. This program has very much attractive design.It has only long term plan.This program has got PAYING status only on few moniters and still in WAITING status for others.this program is 10 days old now.Anyways while coming to the plan features, the ROI offered is quite sustainable and reasonable,the minimum required is $5 which is affordable to deposit.
  23. This program has got PAYING status on all moniters.This program is 10 days old now.It has attractive design with SSL protection and DDoS protection.As this program is highly rated and is still paying,I think, even the minimum amount required is $10 we can afford such risk by investing the amount and the ROI offered is also stable.
  24. This program is running for 20 days and has got PAYING status on all monitors.This programs contains very much attractive design.The ROI offered in this program is different for different investmsent plans.The refferal commission offering is 3% which is very low to attract the new investors.The minimum amount required is $5 which can be affordable even by the small investors to deposit.
  25. This program has got PAYING status on all monitors,and it has been running for 102 days,a long time.This program is offering both daily plans and weekly plans.the minimum deposit required is $10,that is affordable.This program contains an attractive design.As it has got good ratings,and is still paying so,In my view,I think we can invest in daily plans.But the ROI offered is quite high.
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