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Everything posted by anjali

  1. The ROI offered here is very low and reasonable.and principle will not be returned at the end but the profit will be high in return.The program seems to survive for a long period as it has offered a low ROI.But I would suggest to wait before investing here to see how this program gets popular and to obveserve its status and updates before investig here.
  2. 2nd payment received ! You have received a payment to your account U0073935 (anjali): Date: 12/14/2011 5:31 PM Batch: 79133072 From Account: U0990758 (DMT and MTW Account) Amount: $1.50 Memo: Payout from DMT,Enjoy posting at forum!!! Thank you. ThankU admin.
  3. Looks very attractive.This site only monitor in its ratind and has PAYING status for now.ROI offered here is very high and attractive.ANd I am glad to know that this site is accepting both LR and Ap.The minimum required to deposit here is not high $2 can be affordable.And the most attractive feature of this program is its RCB which 15% very high and attractive.
  4. This site looks quite promising and even it looks so profession with simple but very attractive script.But the only thing is the minimum required to spend here is $50 a very high amount which is mostly cant affordable by most of the investors.A long list of monitors listing in its rating page but has WAITING status for now on most of them.
  5. Minimum is set at $1 which is not a huge amount,is the most attractive feature of the program.so,easily affordable to take risk and long list of monitors lising in its rating.All the monitors has WAITING status.So, its better to wait and obverse whether it pays to its investors or not before to invest.hope it will soon change its status to PAYING.
  6. This program looks quite attractive and popular monitos are listing this program from the very first day and is active from the last three days And is still ACTIVE and has PAYING status on all its monitors.The ROI offered is high but can be stable for atleast for few rounds for the hyip like this,I think.
  7. Its quite risky ti invest in a program which has hourly plans,In my view no one should in invest their amount in hourly plans because a hyip which have hourly plans would always turn to scam within a short period.as they cant afford that huge amount to pay their investors in a short period.the ROI offered here is also quite high as well.
  8. No monitors has been added to this program yet,so current status of the program is unknown for now. It offered $10 as signup bonus which is most attractive feature of the program.ROI offered is very low in this one and it takes very long time to reach BEP.so,I think it would survive for a long time.
  9. No monitor has been added to this program yet since it is just came today and so no current updates of the program.Quite attractive ROI offered in their program plans.for one plan principal is returned at the end and for other principal will be included in its daily profit.The minimum is set at $10.Hopefully this one will suirvive.
  10. ROI offered in this program is reasonable and has been running for 34 days for now.Site has DDOS protection and it is on facebook and twitter also. But the current status of the program is PAYING for few and WAITING for few monitors.The last payout is updated on 7th December.And I dont think it would pay to its investors anylonger.
  11. This program has been running for 2 days for now.This program has no SSL protection no DDOS protectin.Script is very coomon for this program.Just offered an attractive ROI but very high.Refferal commission up to 8% is another attractive feature.But I think not to invest in a hurry,one should wait and see how it gets popular and observe the status of the program before to invest.
  12. As this program is just running for one day there is no updates about this program.Just few monitors added to this program and has current status WAITING for now.looks very attractive and the ROI offered is also very attactive as well as very high.But there is no instant payout here,but the admin promised to pay fast payments to its investors.
  13. ROI offered in its short term plans is highly unsustainable but the program has PAYING status on most of the monitors.This program is running for 17 days for now.Site has both DDOS and SSl security which is very good.and more popular monitors listing this one.well,cant say how long it will survive as it has unsustainabl ROI in its short term plans.
  14. This program is running for one month old around for now.The program has curently PAYING status on most of the monitors and has WAITNG and PROBLEM status for two.Last payout is updated on 7th December that is on yesterday.Hope this problem will change its status to pying for all its monitors.glad to know that it has just overcome from its problem.
  15. The ROI offered is quite attractive as well as very high that is unstable.Nice features of the program.Referral commission offered is also attractive up to 5%. This program has got PAYING status on most of the monitors only one monitor changed its current status to WAITING.
  16. My 2nd request on DMT ! Displayed Username : anjali Amount To Request (DMT points) : 150 Payment option Liberty Reserve ID : U0073935 Hope to get approved,thanks mod, thank you,dear admin.
  17. There is latest news updated by this program on 7 December 2011 !here is the details about that news !
  18. just two days old for now and has got PAYING status on few monitors and has WAITING status on few others.minimum required to deposit here is $1 quite affordable amount but I suggest to wait and obverse it updates and status before invest here not to invest in a hurry but $1 is not abig amount so anyone can easily take the risk,I think.
  19. Minimum required to deposit in this program is $33 not a small amount to invest for most of the investors.This program is online since 2nd December and the program has currently no monitors in its rating page so cant say whether it paying or not.And I dont think this site is active for now.Lets see !
  20. This program has current status PAYING on few and WAITING status on few.Good to know that some popular monitors listing this one.Referral commission up to 10% is also very attractive.ROI offered in their plans is too high that is unsustainable.As it has offered a huge ROI it will be difficult for the program to survive for a long period.But it may stay at least for a few days,I think.
  21. This program has quite simple design.ROI offered is very high in this program.Just two monitors are listing this and one of those monitors changed to WAITING and just one is showing PAYING status for it.and for the paying monitor also last payout is updated on yesterday that is 6th December.I suggest to wait and see!not to invest in hurry.
  22. Current status of the program is PAYING and the last payout is updated on 7 December 2011.Quite high ROI is offered for a short period.Hourly plans will always turn to scam within a few days.so, huge risk involved to invest and the minimum required for hourly plan is also quite high $10.But the minimum for daily plans is set at $2 not a big amount to invest.
  23. A latest news updated by this program on 4th December 2011 about their funds investment !
  24. The current status of the program is PAYING on most of the monitors and has been running for 15 days for now.Last payout is updated on today 6 hours ago.But it accepts only LR and perfect money not AP.Looks quite attractive,Starting ROI 5% daily is high but attractive and unstable too.
  25. This program has PAYING status on most of the monitors and has WAITING status on one monitor,But the ROI offered is too high,profit is very attractive for all the plan terms but unsustainable.Huge risk to invest here but I prefer to invest in short term.Minimum is set at $5 not a high amoun,in my view for most of the investors.
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