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IFX Katerine

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Everything posted by IFX Katerine

  1. InstaForex Company is taking part in Jakarta ShowFx Asia Within the framework of its participation at ShowFx Asia Jakarta EXPO 2011 InstaForex international broker will demonstrate all its numerous services. The company's representatives will be glad to tell all those concerned about many advantages of InstaForex and will provide consultation on any issue related to trading on Forex. The exposition guests will have a chance to partake in lotteries, raffling of precious prizes and get pleasant presents from the broker. Furthermore, every trader who will open a trading account with the company at the exposition will be granted USD 30 as a bonus. Jakarta EXPO 2011 is a great opportunity for each trader to learn more about intramarket trends, cutting-edge technologies and know-how of forex trading, to attend educational seminars and trainings, to meet interesting people and win prizes and bonuses. We are waiting for you at Jakarta Convention Center (Merrak Hall)!
  2. "One Million Option": Play It Again and Again! There are many books in the literature. They are different: we give up reading some of them not reaching even the middle, we read others once and forget quickly. There are books for fun, there are books which captivate and don’t ease the tension till the last page. There are also books which one wants to read again and again every time enjoying the plot, author’s language and descriptions. Such books are not referred to entertaining, captivating or useful - they are favorite. The same fact is true for Forex. InstaForex Company hopes that option trading contest became one of those favorite competitions which everyone wants to take part in again and again! We congratulate the winners of the regular step of "One Million Option" contest who received pleasant and valuable prizes for their professionalism and glorious results: 1 place - Svetlana Shopkonkova (8458930) - 500 USD 2 place - Valentina Vasilyeva (8456550) - 400 USD 3 place - Gennadiy Karpov (8458036) - 300 USD 4 place - Milan Babic (8458351) - 200 USD 5 place - Rahmad Alamri (8452647) - 100 USD Take part in "One Million Option" contest by InstaForex - and enjoy it over and over again! Contest statistics Registration page Photos and comments of the leaders
  3. InstaForex Loprais Team - the winners of Silk Way Rally InstaForex international broker is glad to share good news with its clients and partners: InstaForex Loprais Team managed to win the many-day rally raid Silk Way 2011 (truck category). It has been less than a month ago that InstaForex Company entered the rally world and straight away InstaForex Loprais Team got the second top place in Silk Way 2011, a rally of Dakar series competition. InstaForex Loprais Team member Ales Loprais of the Czech Republic was among the five of leaders for all the seven days of the Silk Way rally. Moreover, Ales Loprais turned out to be explicitly the first in the sixth rally step. He was the second during the last day of the rally, ceding to experienced Firdaus Kabirov, who represented the Kamaz Master team for over 40 minutes. However, Kabirov was fined one hour by the rally organizers right before the last step was launched for overspeeding on the track fragment where time was not fixed. Thus, Ales Loprais and Firdaus Kabirov appeared to be at the top of Silk Way 2011 among trucks. Everyone was looking forward to witness a breathtaking pay-off between Ales Loprais who gained much proficiency during the rally raid and Firdaus Kabirov, eager to overtake the lost hour. Yet, due to heavy raining and the Shakhe river that overflowing its banks, the last step of the rally was cancelled for the sake of the two crews safety. So, Silk Way 2011 (truck category) was announced to be won by InstaForex Loprais Team led by Ales Loprais. This is the first glorious achievement of the racer, but, we are sure, that future has more victories for him in store. We congratulate everybody who rendered assistance in preparing InstaForex Loprais Team for the rally, all the supporters and also our clients that were really anxious for our team for all these exciting 7 days of Silk Way 2011. Trade and win with InstaForex!
  4. "InstaForex Sniper": Playing Lifestyle! If there are not enough emotions and bright events in your life don't be upset - just try to do something that seems impossible for you! And you will see that there is nothing unreachable. Windsurfing, rock-climbing, parachute jumping, knitting, chess or may be Forex? It does not matter how extreme your hobby will be, above all it should bring you pleasure and become ingrained in your everyday life! "InstaForex Sniper" has become not just a contest, it is a lifestyle! As always, the following prizetakers can say it for sure. Contest finalists for June 27 - July 2: 1 place - Eka Sariningsih (8435419) - 500 USD 2 place - Shariphullin Marat (8437321) - 400 USD 3 place - Bakaeva Darina (8433192) - 300 USD 4 place - Kochetkov Dmitry (8437020) - 200 USD 5 place - Selvakumar Ganesan (8433947) - 100 USD Contest finalists for July 4-9: 1 place - Kritsky Andrey (8449305) - 500 USD 2 place - Mostafa Ibrahim (8445627) - 400 USD 3 place - Wen Tao (8442700) - 300 USD 4 place - Sayyed Ahmaed Ali (8440980) - 200 USD 5 place - Iman Satya Wirawan (8442831) - 100 USD InstaForex Company congratulates the participants on winning! Live, create, enjoy the life! Contest statistics Registration page Photos and comments of finalists
  5. "Rally FX-1": 24-hour excitement! Probably each of us wanted to be a professional racer, however many of us have never even witnessed a live race. But don’t get upset: InstaForex Company provides its clients with an unique opportunity to become a Forex racer and invites everyone to join the fastest demo account contest "Rally FX-1"! Hurry up to register for the next 24-hour race - the 4th stage is behind and today we are joining to congratulate the winners of this exciting contest: 1 place - Essam Afifi Abdel Latif (8433211) - 500 USD 2 place - Agus Dwi Wahyudi (8432429) - 400 USD 3 place - Alexander Tsarkov (8433467) - 300 USD 4 place - Vladimir Gladun (8426571) - 200 USD 5 place - Andrey Nurislamov (8433304) - 100 USD Harness all your willpower, prepare some patience and rush to the new victories with InstaForex Company! Contest statistic Registration page Photos and comments of the winners
  6. "One Million Option": Believe and Win! A human being naturally needs something to believe in. Some believe in the Earth resting upon the backs of three elephants, others - in supernatural forces. Some find relief in religion, while others just have belief in themselves. We are firmly convinced that it is the belief in oneself together with readiness to overcome all obstacles that lays the basis for tremendous victories and great achievements! This has been proved by new leaders of a weekly "One Million Option" contest. Their strong will and self-assurance brought them straight to success and made them undisputed leaders, best of the best! June 6 - 11 winners: 1 place - Andrey Markov (8416212) - 500 USD 2 place - Sergey Leonov (8414172) - 400 USD 3 place - Valeriy Vakulenko (8415131) - 300 USD 4 place - Alexandr Ivanov (8415259) - 200 USD 5 place - Arinal Kurniawan (8411172) - 100 USD June 20 - 24 leaders: 1 place - Nikolay Tsvetanov (8419292) - 500 USD 2 place - Hendy Marthin (8419816) - 400 USD 3 place - Vladimir Viktorovich (8425679) - 300 USD 4 place - Denis Biryukov (8423143) - 200 USD 5 place - Alexandr Stolyar (8422753) - 100 USD We invite everyone to test skills and techniques in "One Million Option" contest! Try your luck - it will generously bestow victory on you! Contest statistics Registration page Photos and comments of the leaders
  7. The minimum deposit is 1 dollar. If you decide to open an account with us, we will be really happy to see you among our our clients.
  8. "InstaForex Sniper": A Strike to The Heart! "InstaForex Sniper" is definitely one of the oldest and the most popular contests for traders. And often we can see the same old names in the top of the tournament table. Of course this is brilliant! It means that the contest has constant participants and it stroke a deep chord in their hearts. This week five most stubborn traders crossed the finish line: 1 place - Fahim Rafik Fahim Awad (8401027) - 500 USD 2 place - Lyudmila Khramtsova (8395598) - 400 USD 3 place - Mikhail Fillipov (8398043) - 300 USD 4 place - Andrey Olyunin (8405884) - 200 USD 5 place - Sergey Menyashov (8404953) - 100 USD InstaForex Company is happy to congratulate the winners and thank all the participants for their loyalty to "InstaForex Sniper"! We wish you more victories in the future contests! Contest statistics Registration page Photos and comments of finalists
  9. Long-awaited Payoff of Forex Chase after Lotus Elise Not too long ago the awaited Lotus number was registered and the winner of the main prize of "Win Lotus with InstaForex" campaign new Lotus Elise sort car. We remind that the Lotus Number (67221) registered on May 27 at 23:59 fully coincided with five last digits of the trading account owned by Nazri Bin Zainuri from Malaysia (7067221). However, in accordance with the campaign rules the winner could either choose the car, or $75 000 on his trading account. The waiting was intriguing. Lady Luck’s favourite weighed all pros and cons and informed InstaForex contest and campaign administration that he decided to choose the money. Once again we congratulate Nazri Bin Zainuri and wish him effective trading on Forex market with bigger sums and luck while participating in other contests and campaigns by InstaForex. In the nearest time we will publish the interview with the winner of "Win Lotus with InstaForex" campaign. Follow our news releases. It is also worth reminding that we have ten prize winners of "Win Lotus with InstaForex" campaign whose trading account numbers were close to the Lotus number, but did not coincide with it. All ten prize winners get $200 from InstaForex on their accounts. 7067361 Vitaliy Kalinkin 7067328 Zahari bin mat daud 167304 Jung Hyun Park 7067266 Araik Shirinyan 7067251 Ab Hamid Omar 7067211 Muhammad Hatta Abd Hamid 7067092 Andrey Bakhin 166972 Andrey Chepurnoy 7066534 Arkadiy Golovchenko 166412 László Csajbók Those participants of "Win Lotus with InstaForex" campaign who did not win the main prize should not be upset, they can continue participating in exciting draw of Lotus Evora sport car that will be raffled in one year. Moreover, InstaForex Company is happy to announce that all the non-winning accounts that participated in "Win Lotus with InstaForex" campaign automatically become participants of "The Fast Ride from The Best Broker" campaign. You will definitely get lucky next year. Participate and win InstaForex contests!
  10. You mean the client cabinet? I've just tested it and logged in easily. Please, send us your browser info and the URL of the link you fail to log in with the error message.
  11. "Chancy deposit": More Happy Moments! Happiness is a many-sided notion. There are many things in life that bring joy and make a person happier. The question is how long this person stays in the state of euphoria? Having won "Chancy deposit" lottery from InstaForex a person would definitely become happy! It might not be for long, but you can prolong the happy moment be by using the prize for pleasant time spending - trading! This time InstaForex brought a little happiness to a trader from Nigeria, Ogbunamiri Ugomma Chika, owner of trading account №7128524 that won $1000 this week. Participate in "Chancy deposit" lottery, get pleasant prizes and enjoy happy moments of your life! Campaign page Contest rules Photos and comments of finalists
  12. Lucky Trader: hot gift time! Is there any universal component of a good mood? We can certainly say that different people have their own reasons to be in a good mood: sport, favorite dish, adrenalin, travelling. This list will never end but there are some things being guarantee of joy and smile for anyone since the childhood: sun, warmth, favorite activity and gifts! And today we announce the names of those people who used to get everything at once! They are winners of the favorite contest among traders - "Lucky Trader" by InstaForex, who get the prize for their professionalism: 1 place - Aleksandr Getz (8362183) - 1000 USD 2 place - Rozanas Erikas (8361308) - 750 USD 3 place - Yuriy Nelzin (8362205) - 500 USD 4 place - Igor Kuznetsov (8361791) - 250 USD 5 place - Por Swee Hoe (8362234) - 200 USD 6 place - Denis Vasyutin (8359439) - 150 USD 7 place - Alexandr Mesheryakov (8351821) - 100 USD 8 место - Anna Trukhan (8356779) - 50 USD Hie to take part in the fascinating "Lucky Trader" contest by InstaForex Company because summer is a period of only positive emotions! There is never too much! Contest statistics Registration page Photos and comments of the finalists
  13. Long-awaited Event! InstaForex Declares the Happy Winner of Sportcar Lotus Elise! InstaForex Company is glad to announce the glorious finish of the year-long "Win Lotus with InstaForex" campaign. On May 27 at 23:59 the long-awaited Lotus number was registered: 67221. It is the number that determined the winner of the "Win Lotus with InstaForex" campaign and gave him the keys of the new Lotus Elise sports car. In accordance with the Lotus number, the leader of the "Win Lotus with InstaForex" campaign is Nazri Bin Zainuri from Malaysia. The number of his trading account is 7067221, so its five last digits fully coincide with the Lotus number - 67221. At the moment the campaign administrators have been attempting to reach the happy owner of the gorgeous sports car by all the contact means available to discuss the details of presenting him the main prize of the campaign - Lotus Elise. What will be the choice of the winner: Lotus or USD 75000 credited to his trading account? The intrigue is growing more and more enthralling! Keep an eye on upcoming releases on the fate of InstaForex Lotus Elise. The other participants of the "Win Lotus with InstaForex" campaign should not be upset. Just go for another exciting campaign "The Fast Ride from The Best Broker". The main prize of this campaing Lotus Evora sports car will be given to the leading participant just in two months! Additionally, InstaForex Company is glad to announce that all the trading accounts involved in "Win Lotus with InstaForex" yet unfavoured by luck are automatically registered for "The Fast Ride from The Best Broker". There are more to come! We will soon reveal another pleasant surprise for InstaForex luck chasers. Stay tuned to our publications and releases.
  14. Campaigns and Contests Administration of international broker InstaForex is glad to inform all its clients and partners about launching a new contest for demo-accounts "FX-1 Race". The competition will be run weekly within 24 hours from Friday 01:00 to 01:00 Saturday. If you like the drive of high-speed and breath-taking trading together with monetary prizes, then "FX-1 Race" is meant for you. The racing track of InstaForex Company contest is a chance for each trading account holder to demonstrate his professionalism. As everything required is to trade more efficient than other partakers! The best 5 traders who are to cross the final straight with the biggest amount on a trading account will share the fame and prize in the amount of 1500 USD. The nearest Forex-contest "FX-1 Race" will take place on June 3-4, 2011, meanwhile, you can enroll yourself in and become a participant of a catching race. Besides, taking part in the competition you do not bear any risk, on the contrary, you get a priceless trading experience. You just have to trade and obtain reward for professionally fulfilled duties. Detailed information about the competition is available on the Contest Rules page. Be on board and reach the top with InstaForex!
  15. The 15th step of the "CIS Mix-Fight Cup" took place with the main sponsorship by InstaForex InstaForex Company became the title partner of the 15th step of the international annual mix-fight team tournament "CIS Cup", that happened on May, 6 in Simferopol in the building of the National Circus. The mix-fight tournament, being traditionally sponsored by the international broker InstaForex, was organized very professionally. The best team fighters from the Ukraine, Poland, Georgia, Russia and Armenia met in the squared circle and were actively supported by their fans. During the competition the audience was enjoying 12 straight fight, each battle had its own intensity, dynamics and high skills. At the beginning of the tournament a women's fighting took place, thus Risalat Mingbatyrova from Dagestan gained the victory over Alena Rassokhiona from the Ukraine. The team fights resulted in the Ukrainian fighters unexpectedly being on the losing side to the Polish participants with the score 2:3, but they managed to win over the Armenian team with the score 5:0. The status fight between the Ukrainian sportsman Sergey Churilov and the Georgian fighter Gochi Smoyan ended with the victory of the first one. The evening was crowned with the super fight between Magomed Saadulaev ("Peresvet FT", Russia) and David Khachatryan ("Armfighting", Armenia), where the Russian sportsman won. The brightest moments of the tournament are available at in the official blog of InstaForex Company.
  16. "Lucky Trader": Sweet Victory! Professionalism, excitement and Forex - three whales which the popularity of "Lucky Trader". contest rests on. Undoubtedly, this competition gives a chance to all traders to perfect their trading skills without any losses day by day and every time become closer to the victory - a moment when spent efforts, time and emotions are repaid with a great interest by the joy which fills the winner! In its turn, InstaForex Company makes this moment even more pleasant by granting the money prizes. Let's welcome the happy winners: 1 place - Daya Nithi (8335765) - 1000 USD 2 place - Aleksey Shibaev (8324152) - 750 USD 3 place - Lidia Borisenko (8336892) - 500 USD 4 place - Denis Zaritskiy (8338616) - 250 USD 5 place - Yuriy Ogorodnikov (8339490) - 200 USD 6 place - Yuriy Leontiev (8340043) - 150 USD 7 place - Vladislav Vasilevskiy (8337637) - 100 USD 8 place - Denis Porokhov (8338094) - 50 USD We congratulate the winners with the just victory! We thank all participants of "Lucky Trader" tournament by InstaForex because you make this contest one of the best on Forex market! Contest statistics Registration page Photos and comments of the finalists
  17. "InstaForex Sniper": Get in The Top Five! Traditionally this week was marked by the regular sniper competition arranged by InstaForex Company: hundreds of traders from every corner of the world took part in the demo contest "InstaForex Sniper". Desire to hit "the bulls-eye" and reserve the place among the five winners was inherent in all the participants. Newcomers on level with experienced traders struggled for the title of the most accurate forex shooter. Somebody stakes on the experience, somebody - on the extraordinary trading strategy, and others - on the luck. And here we present the names of traders who succeeded to take the prize-winning places in the tournament held on April 25-30: 1 place - Alaaalkade (8336452) - 500 USD 2 place - Sergey Nagornyuk (8340490) - 400 USD 3 place - Dmitriy Guliy (8336878) - 300 USD 4 place - Yudhistira (8340240) - 200 USD 5 place - Konstantin Tolkanets (8339291) - 100 USD InstaForex Company warmly congratulates the contest winners and thanks everybody who took part in the competition! Contest statistics Registration page Photos and comments of finalists
  18. "InstaForex Sniper": Forex Shooting Gallery! Have you ever been to a shooting gallery? If no, next time passing by this fascinating place, come in! Besides the positive emotions, it will help you test your luckiness and accuracy! Those who have already been there know which strategy fits them best: some people prefer to get points from small targets, others - from moving objects, third type aims at large targets. There is the fourth: they prefer to participate in the exclusive competition - "InstaForex Sniper" where correct choice of a strategy along with the qualities of a good shooter determine the chances for success and amount of prize! And now let's welcome the winners of the previous step of "InstaForex Sniper" contest: 1 place - Taras Demchuk (8317685) - 500 USD 2 place - Cociu Oleg Vvasile (8319481) - 400 USD 3 place - Mikhail Savinov (8319784) - 300 USD 4 place - Cristiug Ghena Anatol (8319490) - 200 USD 5 place - Ardi Tirta (8319191) - 100 USD Ladies and gentlemen, don't pass by! Take part in the next step of amazing and full of passion competition arranged by InstaForex Company! Contest statistics Registration page Photos and comments of finalists
  19. "InstaForex Sniper": When the End Justifies the Means By whatever means is not always good for reaching the target. But when the case in hand is about proud status of a winner and money reward, then the participant is only required to do what he likes, gathering a sport will to victory and showing a maximal professionalism - the desired goal justifies the spent money completely! We are glad to present you everybody who deserved the title of winners of another weekly contest "InstaForex Sniper": 1 place - Maria Y.Sakrapova (8308485) - 500 USD 2 place - Siargei Mitrafanau (8308544) - 400 USD 3 place - Usha Raja (8304780) - 300 USD 4 place - Agus Dwi Wahyudi (8302920) - 200 USD 5 place - Sergey V.Shukshin (8301696) - 100 USD Beleive in your power, as for winning you will have to approve yourself in a labour of love. Take part in the new stage of "InstaForex Sniper" contest from the best broker of Asia! Contest statistics Registration page Photos and comments of finalists
  20. "InstaForex Sniper": He Who Does Not Shoot Will Never Hit the Mark Another ardent battle among hundreds of smart, skillful and purposeful traders has come to its close. Each fighter made every effort to make Fortune favour him/her with a smile. Everyone did his/her best to make the ultimate "shot" in "InstaForex Sniper" contest. Its participants had to pull themselves together and redouble their efforts to hit the mark. And so, many efforts proved to be really successful. Here is the list of winners of the last week of March contest step: 1 place - Irina Arkhipova (8282372) - 500 USD 2 place - Andrey Postnov (8279537) - 400 USD 3 place - Onica Alexandru Dumitru (8285705) - 300 USD 4 place - Anton Bessonov (8285517) - 200 USD 5 place - Irwan Azhari (8281002) - 100 USD We would like to remind the rest of participants of a famous saying: the one who does not shoot will never hit the mark! Contest statistics Registration page Photos and comments of finalists
  21. It is considered, that men do not like such kind of contests, they prefer to compete their intellect or analytical skills. But we promiss to consider your suggestion.
  22. "Lucky Trader": Earn on demo-account? - That's easy! A great regret and injustice feelings take the trader over when he earns a big amount of money, but the only thing he can do with it - is print it and hang on the wall when it is referred to a Demo-account. InstaForex Company does not wish to put up with the fact that clients have to suffer negative emotions related to trading and affords you an opportunity to derive real profit on a demo-account! "Is that so?" - you would say. So here are the new winners of "Lucky Trader" contest: 1 place - Sergey Legostaev (8253143) - 1000 USD 2 place - Mikhail Mickalo (8245585) - 750 USD 3 place - Alexander Korobkin (8255616) - 500 USD 4 place - Alexander Patrushev (8253512) - 250 USD 5 place - Alexey Papchenko (8247022) - 200 USD 6 place - Mels Turdugodjoev (8253667) - 150 USD 7 place - Sirotkin Leandr (8248262) - 100 USD 8 place - Sich Galina (8252092) - 50 USD Do not lose a great opportunity to demonstrate a high-grade trading skill and gain real money in an incredible way together with InstaForex Company! Contest statistics Registration page Photos and comments of the finalists
  23. Sensation! Option trading contest by InstaForex! InstaForex international broker is happy to announce the launch of a new weekly contest held on demo account - "Million Option". This is a unique tournament: there has never been anything like it before! Now every InstaForex trader can register for "Million Option" contest and test his/her skills in option trading. It may well result in the prize of USD 100 - 500 weekly. According to the rules, each contest participant receives 1000 rating points. He/she deals with options, bear or bull ones, on any instrument available choosing the time of opening and closing. It is worth mentioning that trading is not conducted on the MT platform: option deals are carried out in the very Client Cabinet. Once a contest is over, the winners are determined according to the biggest score. Taking part in "Million Option" tournament by InstaForex Company you have a chance to boost your trading account without taking any risks. Furthermore, it is a great opportunity to advance your professional skills and abilities in option trading. Additionally, InstaForex Company is soon going to announce the launch of option trading on real accounts in the MT4 platform. Thus, you still have time to train option trading on a demo account within the framework of "Million Option" unique contest. Learn more about the rules of this tournament and register for it on "Million Option" page. Registration is already in progress! Participate in InstaForex contests and make profit!
  24. "Chancy Deposit": Beleive In Wonders! Many people stop beleiving in future at early age being confident in hard work as a recipe for success. But the result only matters - reward and joy felt when achieving the target! This week InstaForex Company congratulates the new winner of drawing "Chancy Deposit", - his name is Phe Tjiu Hai from Indonesia, trading account No.7095144. Join the campaign in the current week, beleive in luck and wonders - and success will accompany you! Campaign page Contest rules Photos and comments of finalists
  25. Thanks for the appreciation. It means much to us.
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