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  1. Welcome to intichat's affiliate program. Our program is very simple, all users of the website get paid as long as you have sent 5 successful referrals or more. All payments are sent out the 15th of each month for the previous months activity. This program is very different than anything you've seen before and you have the chance to get paid every month as long as you participate. How and why do you get paid? First, we make money from our advertisers and we share a percentage of those profits with our users. Your percentage depends on 6 main factors. 1) The most important factor is, How many succesful referrals that you send us each month that sign up for a free account. On average you will earn $0.60 per referral that signs up using your unique referral URL. which you will get after you login. 2) How many votes you give and receive each month. 3) How much content you contribute to the site, photos, videos, blogs ect... 4) How much time your account is logged in to intichat.com each month. 5) How many pages you visit within intichat each month. 6) You overall activity points. This is a good opportunity for you to make a consistant monthly amount of money. Some users will make only $5.00 a month and others will make up to $5,000 monthly. It's all up to you and what effort you put into it. SINGUP: singup intichat's
  2. PrizeRabbit PrizeRabbit is one of the newest GPT sites out. - $0.1 Registration Bonus - 20% Referral Earnings - Daily payment with minimum $3 via Paypal URL: prizerabbit.com
  3. ok, i need money, So im selling my GPT script. Some information Website Configs Add Offer Edit Offer Delete Offer Add Offer Category Edit Offer Category Remove Offer Category Pending Cashouts Pending Offers Find User Add Balance Retract Balance Delete User Edit User Delete Reward Edit Reward Add Reward Create Coupon Code Delete Coupon Code Remove IP Block Block IP Reported Offers Ban User UnBan User Mass E-Mail ------------------------- Demo: http://prizerabbit.com Note: selling script only, not banner, logo, picture.... Price: $30 anyone interest, contacs me Y!h: thegioihoanmy_89 | AIM: vitconxulong2010 Thanks
  4. There's a new social networking site that pays $1 for every person that signs up under your referral link. ->(the site is in pre-launch) so it's a referral link http://zingbizpro.com/?ZBP=haconghoan89 it's an invitation of zingbizpro , so i thinks it's be paid monthly (octobre,novembre) sorry for all people are post in thread for make money instantly ......-> (i'm epic french noob :/)
  5. free bump -----------------------
  6. PrizeRabbit PrizeRabbit is one of the newest GPT sites out. - $0.25 Registration Bonus - 20% Referral Earnings - Daily payment with minimum $5 via Paypal My URL: http://prizerabbit.com/register.php?ref=haconghoan89 URL: prizerabbit.com
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